12 December 2009

UITM is my next destination

Ak dpt smbg degree di UITM Kampus Puncak Perdana, Shah Alam.
Happy sgt sbb dpt IPTA, inilah yg ak tunggu2 selama ni.
Ternyata penantian ak selama ini berbaloi.
Syukur alhamdulilah, terima kasih sgt2.
Sekarang tengah busy prepare pape yg patut sblm msk U.

ceritera nornim : happy+excited sbb dpt smbg dgree di UITM.

11 December 2009

Lesen Kereta

Setelah penat berjuang selama hampir 2 bulan di SKEM, akhirnya, ak dpt 'Lesen P' utk kereta.
Utk ujian JPJ kali pertama, ak ggl bhg 2 iaitu parking.
Terima & redha jela keputusan JPJ wlpn tgh kecewa sgt time tue.
Tp ak ttp buat ujian ulangan JPJ pd minggu yg berikutnya.
Hasilnya, ak lulus ujian tersebut.
Happy + excited sgt time 2.
Akan ku manfaatkan semua yg tlh ak blaja di SKEM ini nanti.
Dah dpt lesen kerete.
Pasni dpt kereta plak.

ceritera nornim : to all my frens, nanti buat reunion kte konvoi rmi2 tau...hehehe...

Second photo from me to you

Lepas ak mengedit pic Rod, ak pn teringin nak edit pic Dila plak, kwn lamaku yg kurindui,
Ak pn mula mengedit pic die yg comel ini,

To Dila : I miss U,
I miss every moment with U,
I hope U happy with your new life now,
I hope U will success in your studies because I know U are the best among the best students,
I hope U take very good care of yourself,
I hope U will always remember me as I always remember U,
I am proud because I have frens with U,
Lastly, I dedicated this lovely pic for U, my dear,
I really hope that U keep this pic forever because our friendship will never ends,
Thank you so much, my dear.

ceritera nornim: love you...

09 November 2009

First photo from me to you

Tibe2 harini "mood" rjn ak ade lak,
so pe ag, ak pn mule "meng edit" pic,
slps lame memilh pic,
akhirnye, ak plh pic rod,
sape rod?
kwn lame ak kt cyber,
ak pn mule "meng edit" pic ak & rod
lame gak ak menghdp lptop ni,
smp skt mate ak "meng edit",tp xpe demi pic ni, ak tetap teruskn gak,
byk gak software ak gune utk "meng edit pic ni,
software pe ek?
adela, rhsia,
last2, jd gak pic ni ak "meng edit",
nk tgk hasilnye?
inilah hasilnye,
lawa tak hasil kerja ak?
msti la lawa kn, huhuhu...

ceritera nornim: so nice!!!

19 October 2009

Part 3...

Kursus asas 6jam sudah habis. Minggu depan mula belajar kete 10jam. Bowink + tension + happy + tak sabar = dapat lesen.

ceritera nornim : Kesabaran yg sgt tggi perlu ada dlm diri buat masa sekarang.

12 October 2009

Part 2...

Seperti yg telah diberitahu, aku dalam proses mendapatkan lesen kereta. Setakat ini, aku dah menghadiri kursus kpp selama 5jam dan ujian komputer. Kursus kpp bestla gak, takdela boring sgt. Ujian komputer plak okla,tak susah sgt soalan die. Setelah penat "study" utk ujian komputer, akhirnya aku lulus ujian itu. Nasib baik tak gagal, kalau gagal kena "repeat" balik. Huhuhu. Ok, sekarang tengah "ready" utk proses mendapatkan lesen yg seterusnya. Tak sabarnya.

ceritera nornim: sabar k.

05 October 2009

Mula Belajar (Part 1)

Esok 06.10.09 selasa, anim dah mula belajar memandu di Institut Memandu SKEM, Gombak. Rase takut, gembira, macam2 lagi. Sekarang kena siapkan diri dr segi mental dan fizikal. Target nak lulus dan dpt lesen cpt2. Nanti dpt kereta plak. Huhu...

ceritera nornim: kereta oh kereta...

04 October 2009

Menghilang Sekejap...

Lamanya tak update blog ni. Maklumla dah habis praktikal, kat rumah jarang on laptop. Sekarang bulan Syawal yg mulia, tuan punya blog ni nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. Anim nak minta maaf kat sesiapa shj yg mengenali diri ini. Kita insan biasa yg tak lari dr membuat kesalahan.

bulan ramadhan bulan yang mulia,
disambut dengan hati yang gembira,
kini syawal sudah menjelma,
tangan dihulur maaf dipinta.

ceritera nornim: selamat hari raya!

11 September 2009

The Last Day at Wisma Sime Darby

Harini hari terakhir aku praktikal di Wisma Sime Darby,Kuala lumpur. Tiba-tiba rasa sedih, gembira, macam-macam rasa ada lagi, tak dapat digambarkan perasaanku ketika ini. Sedih sebab aku akan meninggalkan syarikat ini lagi beberapa jam. Gembira sebab aku tak payah pening-pening kepala fikir pasal kerja lagi. SEDIH+GEMBIRA=SEDGEM. Hehe.
Papepun aku akan tetap "memanfaatkan" 8jam setengah aku harini di syarikat terkemuka ini. Ok, sekarang masa untuk "memanfaatkan" waktu-waktu terakhir yg masih ada sebelum terlambat.

ceritera nornim : Aku akan enjoy sepuas-puas harini.

09 September 2009

Only 2 days...

Tinggal 2 hari lagi aku "bermastautin" di Sime Darby ini. Tak sabar rasanya nak habis "bermastautin" di sini. Sangat gembira sebab dah nak habis tapi kena siapkan report & slide presentation plak. Malasnya. Tapi takpe report dah siap separuh, tinggal lagi separuh & slide shj. Aku akan cuba siapkan sepenuhnya sebelum Hari Raya AidilFitri sebab time raya nak enjoy puas-puas. Bestnya. Huhu...

ceritera nornim: tak sabar nak enjoy!!!

05 September 2009

Only 5 days...

Tak sabarnya nak merdeka dr 'pekerjaan" ini. Tinggal 5 hari je.

ceritera nornim : sabar anim sabar. sabar itu separuh drpd iman.

03 September 2009

Ke "boringan" melanda diriku

Diriku terasa sangat 'bowink" harini, tak tau la nape. Nape ek? Lu pikir la sendiri. Huhu.

Bowink + Happy = Tamat Industrial Training. Itulah yg aku alami sekarang. Tak sabarnya nak habis Industrial Training ini.

ceritera nornim : start counting days to finish Industrial Training...

02 September 2009

Almost Finish My Industrial Training

Just left 7 days to finish Industrial Training at Sime Darby. Tak sabarnya nak merdeka untuk praktikal ni..hehehe..
Tapi, lepas ni sibuk siapkan Report Industrial Training & Slide Presentation plak. Ingatkan boleh rehat lepas habis praktikal tapi ada kerja yg wajib buat gak. Apa nak buat, sy masih bergelar "Student MMU" ok? hehehe..

ceritera nornim: proud to be MMU students!!!

27 August 2009

Apa yang anda paham dengan maksud "sob-sob-sob" ?

SOB-SOB-SOB. Tiba-tiba teringat perkataan ini plak. Hehe. Maksudnya ape ek? Sape tahu? Sape yg tak tahu, buat-buat la tahu ok?

ceritera nornim: sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob-sob

2 Week More!!

This week is week 10 I at Sime Darby. 2 weeks more left for me to do my Industrial Training here. So far, many things I had learned here. I really appreciate it. I will keep it up in my mind what I had got here. I really happy that I had the chance to do my training at the big company as well as famous company for 12 weeks. As everyone know, Sime Darby is very big and famous company in the world. I fell very lucky works at Sime Darby for 12 weeks. Not everyone get this opportunity to work here. Who's know I will work at this company one fine day? But, I hope that will happen as well as working at Sime Darby is my dream for the future. I really love this place and hope I will get jobs here for another days.

ceritera nornim: sime darby oh sime darby...

20 August 2009

Already 20 years old!!

Tiba-tiba rasa macam cepat jer masa berlalu, rasa macam baru semalam lahir ke dunia yg indah ini. Jangan perasan ok. Hehe.
Harini 20 August 2009, tarikh yg dinanti-nantikan dah tiba, hari lahir anim yg ke 20. Tahu tak ape yg bestnya tahun ni, TARIKH nya. 20 August=20 tahun. Best tak? Best kan tarikh ini. Tiba-tiba suka nombor 20 plak. Hehe. Ramai kawan-kawan wish Happy Birthday Anim! TQ so much for the birthday wish. Ingat jugak korang kat Anim ek? Thanks again.
Tahun ini sambut birthday dengan family. Best sangat. Sebab dah 2 tahun sambut birthday kat Melaka. So sad. sob, sob, sob. TQ abah, mama and adik-adik.

ceritera nornim: Love you all always. TQ again to all.

01 August 2009

Counting days to become 20!!

Harini hari pertama dlm bulan Ogos 2009, bulan yg selalu ditunggu-tunggu, sebab apa ek? Of course, My 20th Birthday. Tahun ni, Anim dah 20 tahun. Umur dah bertambah, dari angka 1 ke 2. OMG. Sudah tua rupanya anim ini.

Tak sabar menanti hari itu nanti. Papepun, sabar separuh drpd iman.

ceritera nornim: See you at next post. Tata...

04 July 2009

Week Two

I had worked for two weeks at sime darby. So far, I can do all the jobs. All people at my level 20 are friendly and helpful to me. The environment of my jobs are very great and I happy that I do my industrial training at this famous company.

ceritera nornim: Feel happy right now.

27 June 2009

Start Industrial Training

Already start my training for one week at Sime Darby. I come early in the morning for the first day of my traning. For the information. there are five accounting students also from mmu malacca do the training at the same place. I'm the one from IT student. I am working for three months at level 20. Miss Sharifah Marina Syed Mansor is my supervisor for this training. My table is just beside her table. So, I must always do the work, "tak boleh curi tulang". I am under Portal Team at Sime Darby. There are four people including me in Portal Team.

For the first day, I do not do any jobs. Just mix around and introduce myself to the Portal Team. At level 20, all workers from IT background and known as Global Servive Centre IT or GSC IT. For one week I had been here, I found that everyday all workers were very busy with their own work. I feel like I " tak wujud". Sob-sob-sob. So far, I had done my work very well given by my supervisor.

ceritera nornim: stop here and will continue for the next post.

18 June 2009

Result already out!

I checked my result and I got "cukup2 makan jer". But, I feel "bersyukur" for that result. Now, I must focus more for my industrial training next week.

ceritera nornim: Focus-focus-focus!!!

16 June 2009

Countdown days to go to "praktikal"

Just left one week for me to start praktikal. For your info, I will working at Sime Darby starting 22 JUNE 2009 until 19 SEPTEMBER 2009. Nervous, afraid, excited and many more, that's all I feel now. But, I hope I can do my best for the industrial training. Wish me good luck working for three months at Sime Darby.

ceritera nornim: praktikal oh praktikal!

02 June 2009

Time to enjoy!!

Final is over. Now, it's time to enjoy and relax at my home. I am counting days to go to " practical". Feel happy, sad, afraid, nervous and many more.

ceritera nornim: Just wait!!

25 May 2009

The Memorial Day

Today, last paper for final exam for last trimester. Next trimester, I will go for industrial training. After exam, I meet all my classmate for the last time. We have a chit chat together, shake hand each other and finally say goodbye for the last time.

Two years we meet, study, discuss, spent time together, hang out together. But, today, we are leaving each other. Trimester break coming soon and then twelve week will busy with industrial training. New journey will be start which is working environment. Feel happy, excited, nervous for the next challenges.

Lastly, to all my DIT's friends, goodluck in your future, always keep in touch, take care and I hope, we will meet at Graduation Day August 2010.

ceritera nornim: I will miss you all.

18 May 2009

Busy with Final Exam

Three paper for my last final exam for last semester. Study double plus triple to get the higher cgpa. Good luck to all my friends for final exam.

ceritera nornim: double plus triple!!!

10 May 2009

Special of August

* Suka berlawak. * Mudah tertawan padanya. * Sopan santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain. * Berani dan tidak tahu takut. * Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan. * Pandai memujuk orang lain. * Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego. * Nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi. * Dahagakan pujian. * Semangat juang yang luar biasa. * Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk. * Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan. * Sangat cemburu. * Daya pemerhatian yang tajam & teliti. * Cepat berfikir. * Fikiran yang berdikari. * Suka memimpin & dipimpin. * Sifat suka berangan. * Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan & silat. * Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk. * Cepat sembuh apabila ditimpa penyakit. * Belajar untuk bertenang. * Sikap kelam kabut. * Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang. * Suka mencari kawan*

ceritera nornim: Bagaimana pula dengan anda? Fikir-fikirkan...

05 May 2009

Putih itu suci lagi bersih

I have no idea what colour to use as my background. Finally, my last decision is white. Bak kata orang, "putih itu suci lagi bersih". I edit and add some widget in my blog. So, what do you think?

ceritera nornim: berfikir sejenak.....

03 May 2009

Just ONE Month

ONE MONTH? What will happen along this month? So many things will happen. But what?
  • I will have FINAL YEAR PROJECT presentation for Computing Project.
  • I will get the crazy headache because stay up at midnight to study for my last FINAL EXAM for last trimester.
  • I must check out from IXORA Apartment because I had stay at IXORA for two years while studying at MMU Malacca.
ceritera nornim: Wait and see what will happen next!

02 May 2009

My First Blog

Today, my first blog had launch after waiting for many times. There are many reason why I setup my blog late,these is because many thing I must consider before I launch it. But, now I happy that I already have my own blog.

ceritera nornim; Wait and see what will happen next!