18 February 2010

My First Mid Term Break (UITM)

13.02.2010 Saturday, mid term break for all UITM students had been started. It is just one week. So, on Friday evening, my father pickup me after office hour. I feel happy & excited because 'cuti dah mula'. Huhuhu. I miss my house badly because last I went back home was on the mid of January. Lamanye tak balik rumah sampai terindu2. After one week, I must go back to Shah Alam to continue my week of trimester.

ceritera nornim:kenapa sekejap sangat cuti? tak best+tak puas.

08 February 2010

First day at UITM Shah Alam, Campus Induk & Campus Puncak Perdana

On 02.01.2010 Saturday, I was told to register at UITM Shah Alam(Campus Induk)..
Early in the morning, I wake up & make the last preparation before leaving the house..
My parents & my sister send me to register at UITM..
After arrived there, we straightly go to registration hall as mentioned in the offer letter..
I do my registration while they are waiting for me at outside the hall..
I fill in all the forms provided & take the picture for my matrix card..
In the registration hall, I met abg ngah whose is my cousin at my father side. He is on duty on registration days for freshies.
After finish the registration part, I had been asked to find the college(room) for myself..
My faculty is at UITM Shah Alam, Campus Puncak Perdana, so my college also will be there not at UITM Shah Alam(Campus Induk)..
But on that day, I had been told to go Complex Siswa at Campus Induk to register college.
We just go there but nothing we get, just tired.
We move forward to UITM Shah Alam, Campus Puncak Perdana to complete my registration at Faculty of Information Management.
After complete my registration there, we straightly go to College Puncak Perdana to find my room there..
At main entrance of the college, the guard give me a piece of paper contains my room number, so I quickly find the room..
The house have 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms. 2 students at 1st room + 2 students at 1st room + 4 students at 3rd room. so, total is 8 students in one house..
Type of bed in this room is double darker which I really don't like it..
I also got "katil atas" & I really hate it, but I can't change to " katil bawah"..
Then, I register my college at Bilik Seminar & they give me the house key..
So, I started clean my room + "kemas barang2 yg patut"..
Lastly, I complete my first day here..
I fell happy + sad + excited + many more..
Thank you so much to my parents & my sister for helping me..
Late evening, they all go back home with tiredness mood but I really thank you to all & I appreciate that very much..

ceritera nornim: thank a lot. love you all very much!!!

Life at UITM Shah Alam, Kampus Puncak Perdana

Almost 1 month, I'm here, at UITM Shah Alam, Kampus Puncak Perdana..
Firstly, I don't know how to describe my feeling for this timing..
I feels 50-50 where I'm here right now..
Seriously, I don't know..
Someone, please help me to solve this feeling..

ceritera nornim:see you next post...

Sangat Merindui Blog ini

Lamanya tak update blog sampai ku merindui blog ku ini. Antara sebabnya ialah:
  • Bz dgn persiapan nak menuju Puncak Perdana
  • Byk hal nak kena setelkan
  • Byk masalah yg ade & kena setelkan a.s.a.p
  • Semua surat-surat penting kena sahkan
  • Byk lagi perkara yg wajib disetelkan sblm menuju puncak
ceritera nornim:see you again at next post